Friday, 24 April 2020

Measles – Mexico

Mexico is experiencing a measles outbreak. Between 1 January and 2 April 2020, 1,364 probable1cases of measles were reported, of which 124 were laboratory confirmed, 991 were discarded and 328 remain under investigation. The age of the confirmed measles cases ranged from three months to 68 years (median=20 years), and 59% were male. Analysis conducted by the National Reference Laboratory (InDRE) identified the genotype D8 (similar to other countries in the Region), linage MVs/GirSomnath.IND/42.16/ for 17 of the confirmed cases.

Of the 124 confirmed cases, 105 were in Mexico City, 18 in Mexico State, and one in Campeche State; the following is a summary of the epidemiological situation in each:

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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

From 15 to 21 April 2020, three new confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, all from Beni Health Zone in North Kivu Province (Figure 1).

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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Yellow fever – Ethiopia

On 3 March 2020, the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) reported three suspected yellow fever cases in Enor Ener Woreda, Gurage zone, SNNPR. The three reported cases were members of the same household (father, mother and son) located in a rural kebele. Two of three samples tested positive at national level by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and were subsequently confirmed positive by plaque reduction neutralization testing (PRNT) at the regional reference laboratory, Uganda Viral Research Institute (UVRI) on 28 March 2020.

In response to the positive RT-PCR results, the EPHI and Ministry of Health performed an in-depth investigation and response, supported by partners including WHO.

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Saturday, 18 April 2020

Yellow fever – Republic of South Sudan

On 3 March 2020, a WHO supported cross-border rapid response investigation identified two presumptive positive cases of yellow fever in Kajo Keji county, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan. The initial Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing conducted at the National Public Health Laboratory in Juba, South Sudan tuned out negative. However, following further testing, both the cases were confirmed positive for yellow fever by plaque reduction neutralization testing (PRNT) at the regional reference laboratory, Uganda Viral Research Institute (UVRI) on 28 March.

The investigation was mounted in response to the recently declared outbreak in bordering Moyo district, Uganda. During the investigation, the team collected 41 blood samples from five villages which were in close proximity to the bordering Moyo district, Uganda. Of the 41 individuals whose samples were collected, nine (22%) had history of fever, but none had history of jaundice. The individuals represented a spectrum of occupations typical for the area (farming, forestry, homemaker, soldier). Most of the individuals investigated were between 20-45 years of age, and 18 (44%) of these individuals were female.

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Thursday, 16 April 2020

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

From 10 to 14 April 2020, three new confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) were reported in the ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Figure 1).

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Friday, 10 April 2020

Yellow fever – Republic of South Sudan

On 3 March 2020, the Ministry of Health of South Sudan reported two presumptive positive cases of yellow fever in Kajo Keni county, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan. Both the cases were subsequently confirmed positive by plaque reduction neutralization testing (PRNT) at the regional reference laboratory, Uganda Viral Research Institute (UVRI) on 28 March.

The cases were identified through a cross-border rapid response team investigation mounted in response to the recently declared outbreak in bordering Moyo district, Uganda. During the investigation, the team collected 41 blood samples from five villages which were in close proximity to the bordering Moyo district, Uganda. Of the 41 individuals whose samples were collected, nine (22%) had history of fever, but none had history of jaundice. The individuals represented a spectrum of occupations typical for the area (farming, forestry, homemaker, soldier). Most of the individuals investigated were between 20-45 years of age, and 18 (44%) of these individuals were female.

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Thursday, 9 April 2020

Ebola virus disease – Democratic Republic of the Congo

No new cases have been reported in the ongoing Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 17 February 2020 (Figure 1).

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Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

From 1 through 29 February 2020, the National IHR Focal Point of Saudi Arabia reported 18 additional cases of MERS-CoV infection, including five associated deaths. The cases were reported from Riyadh (seven cases), Hafer Albatin (two cases), Najran (two cases), Eastern (two cases), Aljouf (one case), Makkah (one case), Hail (one case), Taif (one case) and Jeddah (one case) regions. Among reported cases of MERS-CoV infection, majority (16 cases) were male, and only two cases were female. The age of reported cases ranged from 34 to 81 years. No cases were reported among healthcare workers.

The link below provides details of the 18 reported cases.

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Coronavirus Worldwide Graphs / Stats

Currently Infected
Mild Condition
Serious or Critical
Cases with Outcome
The charts below show daily and total case trends. Data is added, and charts updated, after the close of the day (GMT+0).

Total Cases (worldwide)

"Total Cases" = total cumulative count (1,450,249). This figure therefore includes deaths and recovered or discharged patients (cases with an outcome).
Total Coronavirus CasesTotal Cases(Linear Scale)Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 070500k1 000k1 500k2 000kCasesFeb 13 Cases: 64,438
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Daily Cases (worldwide)

The spike observed on Feb. 12 is the result, for the most part, of a change in diagnosis classification for which 13,332 clinically (rather than laboratory) confirmed cases were all reported as new cases on Feb. 12, even though they were diagnosed in the preceding days and weeks. We will distribute these cases over the correct period once the analysis being conducted by the WHO with China's NHC is completed. See also: How to interpret the 15,152 (+600%) surge in new cases of February 12
Novel Coronavirus Daily CasesDaily New CasesCases per DayData as of 0:00 GMT+0Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 07025k50k75k100k125kDaily Cases
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Growth Factor of Daily New Cases

Growth factor is the factor by which a quantity multiplies itself over time. The formula used is every day's new cases new cases on the previous day. For example, a quantity growing by 7% every period (in this case daily) has a growth factor of 1.07.
A growth factor above 1 indicates an increase, whereas one which remains between 0 and 1 it is a sign of decline, with the quantity eventually becoming zero, whereas a growth factor constantly above 1 could signal exponential growth
Daily Cases Growth FactorGrowth FactorDaily Cases Growth FactorJan 24Jan 28Feb 01Feb 05Feb 09Feb 13Feb 17Feb 21Feb 25Feb 29Mar 04Mar 08Mar 12Mar 16Mar 20Mar 24Mar 28Apr 01Apr 0502468Daily Cases Growth Factor
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Total Cases excluding mainland China

Total Coronavirus CasesTotal Cases outside of China(Linear Scale)Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 070500k1 000k1 500kCases
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Daily Cases excluding mainland China

Coronavirus Daily Cases outside of ChinaDaily New Cases outside of ChinaCases per DayData as of 0:00 GMT+0Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 07025k50k75k100k125kDaily Cases
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Growth Factor excluding mainland China

Daily Cases Growth Factor outside of ChinaGrowth Factor outside of ChinaDaily Cases Growth FactorJan 24Feb 13Mar 04Mar 24Jan 29Feb 03Feb 08Feb 18Feb 23Feb 28Mar 09Mar 14Mar 19Mar 29Apr 030246810Daily Cases Growth Factor outside of China
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Active Cases

By removing deaths and recoveries from total cases, we get "currently infected cases" or "active cases" (cases still awaiting for an outcome).
Total Coronavirus Currently InfectedActive Cases(Number of Infected People)Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 070250k500k750k1 000k1 250kCurrently InfectedMar 09 Currently Infected: 46,300
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer


Distribution of cases worldwideChina (mainland): 5.64 % (81,802 cases)China (mainland): 5.64 % (81,802 cases)Other Countries: 94.36 %(1,368,447 cases)Other Countries: 94.36 %(1,368,447 cases)Other CountriesCases: 94.36% (1,368,447 cases)
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Outside of China

Distribution of casesUnited States: 27.64 % (400,549 cases)United States: 27.64 % (400,549 cases)Spain: 10.12 % (146,690 cases)Spain: 10.12 % (146,690 cases)Italy: 9.36 % (135,586 cases)Italy: 9.36 % (135,586 cases)Germany: 7.54 % (109,180 cases)Germany: 7.54 % (109,180 cases)France: 7.53 % (109,069 cases)France: 7.53 % (109,069 cases)China: 5.65 % (81,802 cases)China: 5.65 % (81,802 cases)Iran: 4.45 % (64,586 cases)Iran: 4.45 % (64,586 cases)United Kingdom: 3.81 % (55,242 cases)United Kingdom: 3.81 % (55,242 cases)Turkey: 2.35 % (34,109 cases)Turkey: 2.35 % (34,109 cases)Belgium: 1.61 % (23,403 cases)Belgium: 1.61 % (23,403 cases)Switzerland: 1.57 % (22,789 cases)Switzerland: 1.57 % (22,789 cases)Netherlands: 1.42 % (20,549 cases)Netherlands: 1.42 % (20,549 cases)Canada: 1.23 % (17,897 cases)Canada: 1.23 % (17,897 cases)Brazil: 0.98 % (14,152 cases)Brazil: 0.98 % (14,152 cases)United StatesCases: 27.64% (400,549 cases)
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Recovered and Discharged

Total Coronavirus CuredTotal Cured(Linear Scale)Feb 02Feb 05Feb 08Feb 11Feb 14Feb 17Feb 20Feb 23Feb 26Feb 29Mar 03Mar 06Mar 09Mar 12Mar 15Mar 18Mar 21Mar 24Mar 27Mar 30Apr 02Apr 050100k200k300k400kCuredFeb 22 Cured: 22,650
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Newly Infected vs. Newly Recovered

New Daily Coronavirus Cases+CuredNew Cases vs. New Recoveries(Number of newly infected vs. number of recovered and discharged patients each day)Jan 22Feb 03Feb 15Feb 27Mar 10Mar 22Apr 03Jan 26Jan 30Feb 07Feb 11Feb 19Feb 23Mar 02Mar 06Mar 14Mar 18Mar 26Mar 30Apr 07025k50k75k100k125kNew RecoveriesNew Cases
(idea by Rudi Roth)
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Serious and Critical Cases

Total Serious and Critical CasesTotal Serious and Critical Cases(Linear Scale)Feb 02Feb 14Feb 26Mar 09Mar 21Apr 02Feb 06Feb 10Feb 18Feb 22Mar 01Mar 05Mar 13Mar 17Mar 25Mar 29Apr 06010k20k30k40k50k60kSerious and Critical Cases
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer

Outcome of Cases (Recovery or Death)

Percent (%)Outcome of total closed cases (recovery rate vs death rate)(Cumulative total deaths and recoveries over cumulative number of closed cases)Feb 02Feb 05Feb 08Feb 11Feb 14Feb 17Feb 20Feb 23Feb 26Feb 29Mar 03Mar 06Mar 09Mar 12Mar 15Mar 18Mar 21Mar 24Mar 27Mar 30Apr 02Apr 050255075100Death RateRecovery RateFeb 04Death Rate: 35.17%
Source: Worldometer - Worldometer